Keeping syllabus stats for institutes or schools is important for several reasons:

  • Curriculum Development: Syllabus stats help in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the curriculum. By analysing the performance of students in various topics and subjects, educators can identify areas where students are struggling and make necessary adjustments to the syllabus. It ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and aligned with educational objectives
  • Quality Assurance: Syllabus stats provide insights into the quality of education being provided by an institute or school. By tracking the performance of students over time, educational institutions can assess whether the syllabus is adequately preparing students for their academic progression or professional careers. It allows institutions to maintain high standards and continuously improve the quality of education
  • Accountability: Syllabus stats enable educational institutions to be accountable to various stakeholders, including students, parents, and governing bodies. By maintaining records of syllabus coverage, assessments, and student performance, schools can demonstrate transparency and evidence-based decision-making. It helps build trust and confidence in the educational system
  • Personalized Learning: Syllabus stats can assist in implementing personalised learning approaches. By analysing individual student performance, educators can identify specific areas of strength and weakness for each student. This information enables them to tailor their teaching strategies, provide targeted interventions, and offer additional support where needed. It promotes a more personalised and effective learning experience for students
  • Curriculum Planning and Resource Allocation: Syllabus stats help in planning the allocation of educational resources, including time, teachers, and materials. By understanding the time required to cover different topics or subjects, institutions can distribute their resources efficiently. It ensures that sufficient time is allocated to each topic, preventing unnecessary rush or gaps in the curriculum
  • Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis: Syllabus stats allow institutions to compare their performance with other schools or educational benchmarks. It provides insights into how well students are performing in comparison to national or international standards. Such comparative analysis can highlight areas where improvements are needed and help identify best practises that can be adopted from other institutions

Overall, keeping syllabus stats is essential for ensuring the continuous improvement of the educational system, maintaining quality standards, and providing personalized learning experiences. It supports evidence-based decision-making, accountability, and effective resource allocation, benefiting both students and educational institutions.

To export the report of syllabus stats, kindly navigate to Academics → Lesson Planning → Syllabus Status → Search with the help of available filters → Update the deadline date or status → Export Report.