Bulk importing employees' data can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Manually entering each employee's data can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Bulk importing allows you to automate the process and save valuable time and effort
  • Data consistency: When importing employee data in bulk, you can ensure consistency across the entire dataset. This helps avoid discrepancies, misspellings, or inconsistent formatting that might occur with manual data entry
  • Scalability: Bulk importing becomes crucial when you have a large number of employees to onboard or update simultaneously. Instead of manually inputting each employee's information, which can be cumbersome and error-prone, you can upload the data in a structured format, such as a CSV (comma-separated values) file, and let the system handle the import process
  • Integration with other systems: Bulk importing is often necessary when integrating employee data across different systems or platforms. This ensures a smooth transition and minimises disruptions
  • Standardisation and compliance: When importing employee data in bulk, you have the opportunity to enforce standard data formats, fields, and compliance requirements. By validating the data before importing, you can ensure that all necessary information is provided and meets the required standards, such as formatting, data types, or privacy regulations

To bulk update employees' data, kindly follow the steps below:

  • Dashboard > ERP > Human Resources > Employees > Bulk Import
  • Upload the data in accordance with the sample CSV file that you downloaded. Please be sure to adhere to the requirements