Keeping track of the leaves taken is important for several reasons:

  • Attendance and Accountability: Tracking leaves helps in maintaining accurate attendance records for employees. It ensures that employees are accountable for their time off and helps in identifying patterns of absenteeism or excessive leaves
  • Resource Planning: Knowing the number of leaves taken by employees allows employers to plan and allocate resources effectively. They can anticipate and manage workload fluctuations, avoid understaffing or overburdening other employees, and ensure smooth operations
  • Fairness and Equity: Keeping track of leaves promotes fairness and equity among employees. It helps in ensuring that leaves are granted fairly and consistently to all employees, without any biases or favouritism
  • Compliance with Policies and Regulations: Many organisations have specific policies and regulations regarding leaves, such as maximum leave limits, accrual rates, and eligibility criteria. Tracking leaves helps in ensuring compliance with these policies and avoiding any legal or HR-related issues
  • Payroll and Benefits Administration: Leave records are crucial for accurate payroll processing and benefit administration. They help in calculating salaries, deducting appropriate leaves from employees' balances, and determining entitlements for benefits like vacation pay, sick leave, or medical leave
  • Performance and Productivity Analysis: Monitoring leave patterns can provide insights into an employee's performance and productivity. Frequent or unplanned leaves can impact workflow and hinder team productivity. Identifying such patterns allows managers to address any underlying issues and support employees as needed

As a SuperAdmin, to view the leave history for an employee:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > ERP > Human Resource > Employees 
  2. On the Employees List page, click on the View Profile button to view the employee's profile 
  3. On the employee profile page, click on the Leave Details button to see the leave history of an employee